Monday, January 28, 2008

Deciding the text that I used in my position paper

Joe’s treatment of Pip makes him a gentleman is my thesis statement for my position paper. Through out my critical analysis through out the novel Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, I am having a hard time to search for my strong points especially fourth and fifth points of my position paper. The novel is quite easy to read but in searching for strong points would be a real difficulty to me. The use of diction and certain terms of the novel would be very confusing to me. Sometimes, there are words and phrases that is difficult to me. In dealing with strong sentence or textual evidences also takes me long time to search for it. Therefore, there are a bit of textual evidences that accurately allocate with my thesis statement. So, I have to flip through every single sheet of paper in the novel to look for my textual evidences. Luckily, the textual evidences are slightly enough for my stated strong points. So, I am able to complete my outline and power point presentation that Dr Edwin asked to submit today.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Thesis statement

First when I look a t this activity, I am sure it is not an easy task to do. Plus, it was in DR. Edwin’s class and to me he presents as a perfectionist lecturer who wants the best from his students. In looking for the thesis statement, initially I have no idea what to do in doing thesis statement in my position paper. Frankly, I do know a bit on novel and poem understudied. So, I am not really mastery in any poem or novel. So, I have taken a risk to do a novel in Great Expectation that I have studied last semester. I have so many difficulties to create my own thesis statement. We have to know every single word and sentence of every chapter and what do the sentences suggest or imply in the novel. So much so, we have to know all about the novel taken and try to make a thesis statement based on the issues related to the novel. In dealing with the thesis statement, we have to write on the whiteboard and waiting for Dr Edwin comment on it. Luckily, my thesis statement is accepted by him after three time’s trial. So lucky of me, there are my friends who take a long time to compose their own thesis statement. After we have succeeded in composing the thesis statement, we need to come out with five strong points that support our thesis statement embedding textual evidences.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Meet the supervisor.

For my group, we meet our supervisor every Tuesday. Our supervisor, Dr Arshad Bin Abd Samad is the best supervisor. He is very flexible in dealing with our research paper. We can do whatever we can as long as the research paper meets the conclusion. What does it mean here, it suits the meaning of analysis (analysis of poems, novels, short stories) and implication to the teaching ESL in Malaysian classroom. In our first meeting, Dr Arshad introduces us with the outline of the research paper. He is very cool lecturer as he gives much time to think of our thesis statement and outline. After next two weeks, we have to submit our outline as he wants to comment on it. To me, it is hard to engage with the outline as it has sections that need to be completed. The tricky part is when to look for three strong points in the poems that related to my thesis statement. At last, I am very thankful as I manage to do the outline successfully

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Use of tales in ESL classroom

Use of tales is a superior way in initiating students in learning English. A tale of Deadulus and Icarus is a good example of introducing students to learn English in affecting way. However, it would not work if the use of language of the tales is very difficult and hard for students to understand. So, it promotes students anxiety and makes them unhappy to attempt any task in English classroom. Teacher plays an essential role to simplify and shorten the phrases or sentences that are hard to comprehend. So, it will suit every level of student’s proficiency. The text selection would be more selective and genuine such as magazine, newspaper or articles and it provides real time situation and the class would be more attentive. So much so, in introducing them with the tales, there are lots of activities that we can come out with such as arrange the plot of the story, do word puzzle, tongue twister or a role play. The class would be more interactive and lively.