Friday, January 25, 2008

Meet the supervisor.

For my group, we meet our supervisor every Tuesday. Our supervisor, Dr Arshad Bin Abd Samad is the best supervisor. He is very flexible in dealing with our research paper. We can do whatever we can as long as the research paper meets the conclusion. What does it mean here, it suits the meaning of analysis (analysis of poems, novels, short stories) and implication to the teaching ESL in Malaysian classroom. In our first meeting, Dr Arshad introduces us with the outline of the research paper. He is very cool lecturer as he gives much time to think of our thesis statement and outline. After next two weeks, we have to submit our outline as he wants to comment on it. To me, it is hard to engage with the outline as it has sections that need to be completed. The tricky part is when to look for three strong points in the poems that related to my thesis statement. At last, I am very thankful as I manage to do the outline successfully

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