Monday, January 28, 2008

Deciding the text that I used in my position paper

Joe’s treatment of Pip makes him a gentleman is my thesis statement for my position paper. Through out my critical analysis through out the novel Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, I am having a hard time to search for my strong points especially fourth and fifth points of my position paper. The novel is quite easy to read but in searching for strong points would be a real difficulty to me. The use of diction and certain terms of the novel would be very confusing to me. Sometimes, there are words and phrases that is difficult to me. In dealing with strong sentence or textual evidences also takes me long time to search for it. Therefore, there are a bit of textual evidences that accurately allocate with my thesis statement. So, I have to flip through every single sheet of paper in the novel to look for my textual evidences. Luckily, the textual evidences are slightly enough for my stated strong points. So, I am able to complete my outline and power point presentation that Dr Edwin asked to submit today.

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