Friday, February 15, 2008

The use of ‘autobiography’ in ESL classroom

It is tremendously good if the teacher is willing to teach autobiography in English classroom. Teaching autobiography can be educational and can be the element of entertainment. Occasionally, it is good for students to learn autobiography as it promotes a real life situation. What I mean here is of course the autobiography is the writer or someone past experience and they are willing to share their past experience with us. So, it provides a real process of learning and most of the students really like it rather than just stick on the text book instead which would be promoting students anxiety. The use of the autobiography is appropriate and suitable in class and outside the class. It means here the reading session would not be over and the students can read the autobiography without the teacher consent. Most autobiographies, they are written in a enjoyment manner because the use of language or diction is very simple and easy for students to comprehend. Teacher has no worry to assign his or her student to read as the autobiography could encourage learner centered approach. What ever it is, the autobiography

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