Wednesday, February 27, 2008


When it comes to a position paper presentation, I feel very anxious as I do not have confident in delivering speech in front of the class. Moreover, presenting my position paper in front of Dr Edwin would make my body giggle and it is hard for me to open my mouth to speak up. However, I try my best to perform my best presentation for Dr Edwin as he is very critically in giving comments and ideas. So, what I did was when presenting my position paper, I have taken notes of what I am going to talk on the presentation. So, it is easier for me to deliver my speech and it is easier for Dr Edwin to comprehend what I am trying to say. When presenting my position paper, Dr Edwin was attracted to my definition of gentleman. He said it is a good definition and it is interrelated to my position paper. My definition of gentleman is being a gentleman is a matter of virtue and honesty of having a station in life which one can fill with dignity. Recount on my thesis statement Joe’s treatment of Pip makes him a gentleman suits the definition after all. After completing my position paper, Dr Edwin asks me to reworking on my fourth point and the conclusion. Thank God, I have completed my presentation.:)

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