Friday, February 15, 2008

Uniforms – hegemony, equality beneath it

In ‘The Long Walk to Freedom’, the autobiography of Nelson Mandela, it elevates an issue on the use of uniform. There are reasons why uniform is being used as it is for identification, status, element of disciplinary, symbol of control or standardization. Sometimes, people use uniform as a norm like police or army. The most popular reasons are identification and status. Identification means to classify or segregate identity between people while status it shows hierarchy and equality that differentiate people. This is when the word hegemony appears. Hegemony exists as an element of racial elements which a minority has controlled over the majority. The best example would be between whites and blacks. White has the power to control over the black because they are fully equipped with full-loaded guns and weapons while the black is still using traditional weapon which is bow and arrow. So, the white tries to dominate the black by scaring them with the AK-47. Worse comes to worse, the white has the power to control over the politic in Africa. They can participate in politic to control over the economy growth and the state itself in general.

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