Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Use of poetry in ESL classroom

Teaching poetry in ESL classroom would be very interactive if the teacher knows how to deal with it. The teacher plays a big role in introducing poem in class. Students sometimes will get bored in learning poem as the poem is hard to comprehend and understand it. I admit that the use of diction is an issue here, but the teacher has to introduce them with an easy poem and deliberately teach them a bit difficult poem. This would provide a room of opportunities for them to learn inference and assumption skills before they go beyond the difficult poem. The teacher needs to initiate them with a good pre presentational stage whereby they can get attracted with what the teacher is going to teach. Moreover, the students tend to focus on the poem as the teacher has initiated them with an interesting set induction stage. Set induction stage would be very essential as the students’ schemata or past experience will be activated and it helps them to understand and infer the poem critically.

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