Saturday, March 15, 2008

Deciding on thesis statement used for research paper

In deciding on the thesis statement is not an easy task to do. I myself take for a week to think of what to do whether poems, short stories, novel or play in completing my research paper. For me, this task is a crucial task as it carries 40 percent of my carry marks. For the very first time, I am risking my life to work on poem. My friends say that it is hard to put an effort on poem as the poem is short and we need to discover or elucidate the underlying discourse of the poem critically. Then, I dare myself to check on it so I pick poems by Sylvia Plath which are Daddy and Electra on Azalea Plath. Both of the poems represent the same theme which is the father and the daughter relationship. What is so special about the selected poems is I want to analyse or clarify why Sylvia Plath frequently wrote depressing poems about her relationship with her father. In my research paper, I will give a brief description of the poet’s background and the two men who have the biggest impact in her writing. Then, I will talk about how the poet’s background had influenced her writings. I will also discuss on the implications towards education. In running my research paper, sometimes I feel that I am a private investigator as I am searching for evidences and relate her past experiences with both her father and her husband. It is kind of annoying an activity to me but it helps a lot in utilizing my research paper a bit. After I have gone through half of the progress, then I come out with my own thesis statement which is examination of the theme in two poems by Sylvia Plath to see why she often wrote depressing poems about her relationship with her father.

After deciding on the topic, then I come out with my five strong points to support my thesis statement. Till today I still work on it.

Nelson Mandela: The Long Walk to Freedom

I was so fascinated in autobiography of Nelson Mandela. Based on the autobiography, it raises an issue on hegemony. Hegemony is a term used to indicate the used that a minority has the power to control over the majority. For example, white has the power to control over the black as the white has an advanced technology of arms and guns while the black is just depending on the bow and arrow instead. In dealing with the issue, the white is so-called ‘the dominator’ trying to participate in the politic in Africa. Here is the moment when the racial elements involved and Nelson Mandela seek for his right for his nation. Writing autobiography has many advantages such as the writers wants to share his or her past experience, reveal the truth and fulfill his or her writing pleasure. To me, the autobiography can be very educational if the teacher knows how to adapt or fit the purpose of teaching. In term of educational, it enables students to know what actually happened in real life or share secrets of success. More or less, the autobiography does give a bit motivation for students to improve themselves to be a good person. Apart from that, autobiography can be the element of entertainment as it provides reading pleasure for students.

Research paper (thesis statement)

I am having a hard time in research paper progress. At first, I do not know what I am going to do in my research paper and I try to do a novel entitled “The Awakening”. In this novel, I try to introduce the element of gothic presented in through the entire novel. To me, it would give a deep impact to students as they are very keen in gothic culture. So, by introducing them with the gothic elements in the novel, I think more or less it would help in stimulating students’ interest to learn literature classroom. After I have undergone the critical analysis on it, I am facing a shortage of ideas to elaborate more about it. I have changed my mine, and try to do a poem by Sylvia Plath. I try to examine on the theme in two poems by Sylvia Plath to see why she often wrote depressing poems about her relationship with her father. Here, I manage to compare and contrast based on two of her poems and how do the poems reflect her life. More over, these two poems are quite long and easy to understand. So, I do not have many difficulties to do it. Sylvia Plath is very good in expressing her emotion and experience through her poems.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Issues inside research paper

I am working on the poems ‘Daddy’ and ‘Electra on Azalea Plath’. ‘Daddy’ was written shortly after Sylvia’s divorce with her husband, Ted Hughes. In the deep depression of her divorce, she always thought of her father and wrote this poem to describe her unresolved feelings towards him. “Daddy” was written in Sylvia’s childhood voice where one can feel the tense of a child who was lost in defining her relationship with her father and the man she loved. Electra on Azalea Path, for Sylvia herself, that was the first time she ever visited her father’s grave and it inspired her to write the poem, “Electra on Azalea Path” ( In this poem, Sylvia describes her unresolved feelings towards her father and how she is desperate to be with him and to get to know him better. Through out the poem ‘Daddy’, we can see that the persona is actually confused with the relationship that she had with her father. ‘Daddy’ does not only reveal Sylvia’s conflict with her father, but also a remark of serious confusion within herself for having a father who is related to German. Meanwhile, in her poem “Electra on Azalea Path” Sylvia mentioned in the very first line that “the day you died I went into the dirt”, you is referred to her father. Therefore, Sylvia is trying to tell the reader that she was depressed by the death of her father and she felt as though life has no meaning for her after her father’s death. So, this line is significant to show Sylvia’s unresolved feeling towards her father because for Sylvia, she had died along with her father. The use of imagery in the both poems also shows the persona’s confusion in her relationship with her father. In the poem ‘Daddy’, Sylvia uses the image of a ‘black shoe’ (Daddy, line: 2) as an image to represent her father, where she lived under her father’s influence

5 points supporting details

In composing a good work of art, it is actually occupied with efforts and hard work. In searching for five strong points is actually cracking off my head. I merely gave up in doing the research paper. However, my roommates gave full support to me and even help me to search for textual evidence to support my points. I am so grateful to have such a good roommate. Thanks Fattah. I keep on asking, when I am going to complete the task, because as I type my project paper it never meets an end. Therefore, the font size is 12 and it is a bit small to me and perhaps that makes me feel anxiety not willing to complete the task given. I have put each and every small effort everyday in completing my assignment. Thank God, finally I could finish the assignment after the all hardship that I have gone through.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Sum up MELTA forums

Forum is one of the elements of active discussion especially in improving teaching English in Malaysia. For me, I have come out with the title “does on-line discussion help language students to improve their language”. I was so grateful because my topic became a hot topic of the week as my friends responded vitally relating to my topic. What I am so proud of my topic is that one of the UPSI lecturers has responded to my topic. I feel like it is an honor to me to receive a response from a lecturer as it gives an impact that my topic is a good topic to be discussed. On the other hand, there are advantages and disadvantages of the on-line discussion that we have discussed. Firstly, it gives a room of improvements for students to develop their language skills. It promotes student centred learning as students can get access to internet even outside of the class. So, for the beginner, it will lower students’ anxiety and it will encourage students’ affection domain to write what ever they like. Despites, there are disadvantages that we need to be taken into consideration. Firstly, most students are not interested in online discussion. They would think that the discussion would be very boring and helpless. The teacher should encourage or drill them with a topic and the task is compulsory for them to respond. If not, the online discussion would not be going to work. However, the online discussion has more advantages rather than disadvantages. So, the online discussion should be implemented as it gives lots of benefits for students’ language development.


Letters is one of the elements to figure out how the author’s life affects their writings.The author wrote the letters back one century. At first, it is hard for me to comprehend the phrases and sentences used because the author used lot of figurative languages in delivering the speech in the letter. Moreover, the experiences presented in the letter do affect the written poem by poet. The letter presented is a beautiful masterpiece also as it comprises figurative language that makes me hardly to understand the letter itself. Letter is a tool especially for the poet to express their own feelings or gratitude towards the recipients such as members of family or friends.