Saturday, March 15, 2008

Nelson Mandela: The Long Walk to Freedom

I was so fascinated in autobiography of Nelson Mandela. Based on the autobiography, it raises an issue on hegemony. Hegemony is a term used to indicate the used that a minority has the power to control over the majority. For example, white has the power to control over the black as the white has an advanced technology of arms and guns while the black is just depending on the bow and arrow instead. In dealing with the issue, the white is so-called ‘the dominator’ trying to participate in the politic in Africa. Here is the moment when the racial elements involved and Nelson Mandela seek for his right for his nation. Writing autobiography has many advantages such as the writers wants to share his or her past experience, reveal the truth and fulfill his or her writing pleasure. To me, the autobiography can be very educational if the teacher knows how to adapt or fit the purpose of teaching. In term of educational, it enables students to know what actually happened in real life or share secrets of success. More or less, the autobiography does give a bit motivation for students to improve themselves to be a good person. Apart from that, autobiography can be the element of entertainment as it provides reading pleasure for students.

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