Saturday, March 1, 2008

Issues inside research paper

I am working on the poems ‘Daddy’ and ‘Electra on Azalea Plath’. ‘Daddy’ was written shortly after Sylvia’s divorce with her husband, Ted Hughes. In the deep depression of her divorce, she always thought of her father and wrote this poem to describe her unresolved feelings towards him. “Daddy” was written in Sylvia’s childhood voice where one can feel the tense of a child who was lost in defining her relationship with her father and the man she loved. Electra on Azalea Path, for Sylvia herself, that was the first time she ever visited her father’s grave and it inspired her to write the poem, “Electra on Azalea Path” ( In this poem, Sylvia describes her unresolved feelings towards her father and how she is desperate to be with him and to get to know him better. Through out the poem ‘Daddy’, we can see that the persona is actually confused with the relationship that she had with her father. ‘Daddy’ does not only reveal Sylvia’s conflict with her father, but also a remark of serious confusion within herself for having a father who is related to German. Meanwhile, in her poem “Electra on Azalea Path” Sylvia mentioned in the very first line that “the day you died I went into the dirt”, you is referred to her father. Therefore, Sylvia is trying to tell the reader that she was depressed by the death of her father and she felt as though life has no meaning for her after her father’s death. So, this line is significant to show Sylvia’s unresolved feeling towards her father because for Sylvia, she had died along with her father. The use of imagery in the both poems also shows the persona’s confusion in her relationship with her father. In the poem ‘Daddy’, Sylvia uses the image of a ‘black shoe’ (Daddy, line: 2) as an image to represent her father, where she lived under her father’s influence

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